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Created 23-May-13
Modified 1-Nov-23
Visitors 258
102 photos
On 23rd May 2013, the SASUK Pre-sales and Professional Services staff met for a day of networking, knowledge sharing and fun.

Please note that these photos remain the property of SAS Software Ltd - you can download and use them for personal use only. They should not be published publicly in any way without the written permission of SAS. If in doubt, contact us at[email protected].

NOTE: If you purchase images, all profits are donated to SAS UKs' nominated charity. SAS UK do not make any money from the sale of photographs on this site.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:SAS, Unusual

Unusual Day In May_3049Unusual Day In May_3052Unusual Day In May_3053Unusual Day In May_3058Unusual Day In May_3059Unusual Day In May_3060Unusual Day In May_3063Unusual Day In May_3065Unusual Day In May_3066Unusual Day In May_3070Unusual Day In May_3075Unusual Day In May_3076Unusual Day In May_3080Unusual Day In May_3081Unusual Day In May_3082Unusual Day In May_3094Unusual Day In May_3097Unusual Day In May_3099Unusual Day In May_3104Unusual Day In May_3107